Banana PoetryInes Krasić (HR), Ivan Nikolić Lesh (HR)

installation (work in progress), 2006-

Banana Poetry is a platform for experiments in creating a mechanism/ organism for the generation of new poetry and linguistic creations. It is an interactive installation powered by an alternative energy source – fruit and vegetables. Ultimately, the work might be manifested in a mobile form incorporated in a backpack that could be plugged into an orchard. Serving as an energy source, the natural could be converted into an electronic environment. This would be a new space for creativity in the digital realm. An integral part of the work is the program Scribbler, which browses the internet, reads and analyzes various texts, and then tries to imitate them. What it produces sounds like schizophrenic babble or trash poetry.

programmer: Ivan Nikolić Lesh
technical support: Dubravko Kuhta Tesla, Tomislav Pokrajčić

Ines Krasić (HR)

Ines Krasić was born in Mostar in 1969. In 1993 she obtained a degree of Art Educator at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, under mentorship of prof. D. Babić. Since 1993 she's a member of HDLU (Croatian Association of Visual Artists). In 2001 she was admitted to postgraduate sculpture and video studies at Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana, Slovenia, under mentorship of prof. Jože Barši and prof. Srečo Dragan. Since 1995 she works as an assistant at the Department of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. In 2006 she became an assistant professor at the same department at the Academy of Fine Arts. Exhibited at many solo and group exhibitions in Italy, USA, Slovenia, Spain, Serbia, Croatia.She has received many awards. The last was the Special Award of The 3rd Croatian Prints Triennial, Zagreb, Croatia, 2003.

Ivan Nikolić Lesh (HR)

Ivan Nikolić, born on September 9, 1985 in Zagreb, is a coder exploring worms and viruses, software mutations and evolution, biologically inspired systems, and artificial intelligence, he's drawing and trying to be a multimedia artists. He works at the Multimedia Institute in Zagreb. He's one of the first participants of Croatian robot mayhems.