Jamming GearSo Kanno (DE/JP)

Performance, 2008

Jamming Gear is a concept gadget allowing one to control music through a tangible arrangement of gears. Each corresponding music loop is played in full with each complete rotation of a single gear. The performance method that makes use of the number of cogs is convenient for experimenting with “gaps”, such as polyrhythm or phase shift. The system consists of custom-made computer software, five modules and several gears of varying sizes. The modules control the rotation, direction and speed and the corresponding music loop. By combining many different sized gears, one is able to layer and control complicated music arrangements.

Collaborator: Kenichiro Saigo

So Kanno (DE/JP)

So Kanno is an artist born in Japan and based in Berlin and Nagoya. He makes robots for art installations and performances. Kanno is interested in swarm intelligence, organic behaviour, emergence, unpredictability, and errors caused by systems rather than perfect control.