A mechanism is mounted at a wall, linked to a computer at the lower position. Whole complex is located below eyesight level.
The mechanism functions by principle of transforming a circular motion of an electric motor into a straight line axle motion. Microphone, linked to a computer, is fastened to a top of axle. Leant against the wall, due to a motion, it produces a sound which is transferred to the Internet via computer. In order to hear it, it is necessary to visit an internet address form which the sound is distributed. The motion produced by the sound is even, with regular intervals. It is beforehand computer-programmed. It is conditioned with three parameters: a left movement, a right movement and reposing. Movements to left and right are maximal in their drift capacity (with a constant speed) while stillness parameter in this situation is the only one liable to programming.
Sound intervals are separated by silence intervals in duration of 40 seconds. Newer statistic data state that a new suicide is committed every 40 seconds.