This edition of Test_Lab V2_ hosted KONTEJNER's curators Klara Petrović and Luja Šimunović who presented the Croatian artists Tin Dožić, Silvio Vujičić, Bojan Gagić and Miodrag Gladović. Here, artists explore the flow of meanings to the festivals concept of a machine and being machinic: Bojan Gagić and Miodrag Gladović inspect the photovoltaic effect generated through solar panels with performance Lighterature Reading, Tin Dožić with installation GoldRush showed his research to the extraction of gold from discarded electronic devices while Silvio Vujičić presented his work Curtain: a performative object actualized in its act of disappearance.
Organized by:
V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media
Tin Dožić (HR)
Bojan Gagić (HR)
Miodrag Gladović (HR)
Silvio Vujičić (HR)
Klara Petrović (KONTEJNER)
Luja Šimunović (KONTEJNER)
Florian Weigl (V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media)
Production and tech:
Wilco Tuinman (V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media)
Larissa Monteiro (V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media)
Supported by:
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia
City of Zagreb – Municipal Office for Culture