

Student Centre (Zagreb)

What does it mean to show or be a different body on stage, on a city street, in bed with another? Can disability become an extravagance and difference alluring?

Contemporary debates around issues of identity and representation cannot be elaborated without the acknowledgment of disability, of the extrava- gant body. The critical elements the following contributions highlight are all an integral part of examining the materiality of the body, its representation and society’s stumble on the rouged terrain of disability. The implied step in the direction of addressing the relation of disability and politics, becomes a fundamental move for cultural and social change — regardless if those changes manifest themselves on the stage, in galleries, cinemas or in the streets.

Jeremy Alliger (US)

Dance & Disability, An Impact Beyond the Stage

Andreja Bartolac (HR)

How They See Me: the experiences of men and women suffering from cerebral paralysis with respect to their intimate lives

Andrej J. Jug (SI)

On illusions in the relationship between a woman and a disabled man

Lois Keidan (UK)

Access All Areas

Mario Kovač (HR)

Methodology of Theatrical Work with Blind and Visually Impaired

Jurij Krpan (SI)

The Unwhole Body

Bojana Kunst (SI)

The Pain of Incision: A Brief History of Bodily Disclosure

Tomislav Medak (HR)


Vojin Perić (HR)

Crystal Clear under My Fingers