Cataloge of the exhibition and performances within Device_art 4.013 festival held in 2013 in Prague. This edition of the Device_art festival presented current artistic tendencies dealing with the device technologies, including recently produced artworks, documentation of artworks and artistic concepts of the artists from Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Japan.
1. Intro
KONTEJNER | Ena Hodžić: Low-tech, high-tech and everything in between − 4
2. Exhibition
Marko Batista: Bentronix − 8
Kazuhiko Hachiya: Thanks Tails − 10
I’MM_ Media lab: SoundPLanet2SoundBox; Scanner Camera; MMessy Oscillators Concert Video Screening − 12
Hiroo Iwata: Food Simulator; Robot Tile − 14
Sanela Jahić: Fire Painting; Pendulum − 16
Stevan Kojić: Self-Sustaining System of Absurdity − 18
Ryota Kuwakubo: Video Bulb; Nikodama − 20
Maywa Denki / Novmichi Tosa: Otamatone, Otamatone Deluxe, Otamatone Melody, Otamatone Charm, Chihuahua Whistle, YUREXTM, Bitman, Zihotch, Na-Cord, Na-cord strap, Savao strap, KnockMan, Koron, Pororon − 22
Maritna Mezak: G8 − 24
Saša Spačal, Miran Švagelj, Anil Podgornik: Mycophone − 26
Anselmo Tumpić: Tateye − 28
Silvio Vujičić: Furnace for the Sublimation of Spirits − 30
3. Performances
Marko Batista: Siphon:Sys:Apparatus 1.1 − 34
Milan Guštar: Densatio in 128 edo − 36
MMessy Oscillators feat. i.m.klif: Audio Landscapes − 38
4. Device_art 4.012, Zagreb, October 10th − 14th, 2012 − 40