Kazokutchi is a digital artificial life NFT. Its home is a miniature robot with a display. Kazokutchis living in the same house are related, share the same surname, and have their initial name. There is a breeding season for Kazokutchi. An IC tag is affixed to the home, and an IC tag reader is used for mating. If the mating is successful, an egg NFT will be minted. The owner of the Kazokutchi is the owner of the egg. When you buy a home robot, you'll be prompted to choose a family name and color. They will be inherited by all Kazokutchis born in the family.
Kazokutchi is a living creature with a lifespan. When it reaches the end of its life, it appears as a dot on the screen, with proof of its existence preserved on the blockchain. The majority of artificial life is made up of simulations. All of the lives there will be gone once you reset. What if it can't be reset as in real life? This project raises this question by integrating artificial life with NFTs.
With KONTEJNER’s production and curatorial support, and in collaboration with Radiona – Zagreb Makerspace, the focus of the artists’ work will be the development of a new website and smartphone application for live tracking of the NFTs, a new design of the robot farm as well as an update of the existing Kazokutchi system fit for various social experiments.