The complexity of project formations and collaborative relationships in culture calls for some new solutions to systematize them. remote.lab is a collaborative media platform launched at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb with the support of the "Kultura nova" Foundation. The project to develop this space of "joint curation, research and production of hybrid knowledge" in 2022 is led by Greta Creative Network in cooperation with Domino, Drugo more, KONTEJNER, Radiona and WHW. Authors of the concept, visual and programming interface of this complex structure of interconnected nodes of digital content are Nikola Bojić, Mihael Giba and Damir Prizmić.
On the platform, KONTEJNER presented the research of XR technology in the artistic field, as part of the EU project "Realities in Transition".
The platform is currently in beta, closed to active users, but available for preview on this link.
Read more about the project in Kulturpunkt's interview with Nikola Bojić, Mihael Giba, Damir Prizmić and Deborah Hustić.