KONTEJNER is inviting Croatian artists, scientists, technology enthusiast, innovators and passionate roboticists to submit proposals (ideas or finished projects) and participate in the newest edition of Device_art festival taking place in November at Zagreb’s Museum of Arts and Crafts.
Device_art is an international festival dealing with technological devices, machines, and robotics in contemporary art. The festival has been re-thinking traditional concepts of interconnecting art, science and technology and critically interpreting and contextualizing the conditions of production, reception and communication of device art(works). The presented artworks are at the borderlines of device hacking and gadget culture, of artistic practices and product design, and they include a wide variety of themes and formats – from conceptual provocations and innovative interfaces, to utilitarian products, toys and prototypes.
The seventh edition of the festival is a collaboration with Sarah Donderer, Yannick Hoffmann, Daria Mille i Philipp Ziegler, curators at ZKM-a | Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany. In addition to the contemporary Croatian device_art scene, the festival will present German new media artists and designers who deal with everyday technology, devices and machines in an inventive, critical and provocative way, revealing the ambiguity of their functionality. The focus of the submitted idea and project proposals should therefore be on rethinking the technological devices, outgrowing, shifting and twisting their functions and purposes, playing with perception and senses and appropriating and criticizing utility of devices through irony and humor.
Project proposals need to be submitted via this ONLINE APPLICATION FORM.
Application requirements:
- Contact information (Name/Name of the collective; E-mail address; Phone number);
- Webpage/Portfolio of applicant;
- Short biography (no more than 200 words);
- Project title;
- Short description and concept of the project (no more than 300 words);
- Short technical description and set-up requirements (no more than 200 words);
- Financial projection for the production and set-up of the project (one file, no more than 10MB);
- Information has the work already been produced or presented;
- Sketches and/or photo/videodocumention of the project (one file, no more than 10MB);
- Link to the project (if applicable).
Results of the open call will be announced to the selected authors by the end of March 2021.
Find more information about Device_art festival here: Device_art festival.