Fragile Fragmentspantea (IR), u-matic & telematique (DE)


21—22 h

@Beton kino / Dom mladih, Split

Live Audiovisual Performance, 2021 - ongoing

Fragile Fragments is a collaborative live audiovisual performance imagined and created by the musician pantea and the visual artists u-matic & telematique. This work speculates on the diverse and fragile yet resistant multiplicities of planetary ecologies and metamorphoses with a focus on aquatic ecosystems. This dialogue imagines fictitious living forms that might come to life under conditions of extreme environmental pollution and scarcity, such as those present in the disturbed environmental habitats of the deep sea. The living forms that are capable of challenging and reconfiguring the boundaries between plants, animals, and humans, whereby distinguishing them from one another seems impossible. Different phases of this work represent the ascending formation of sounds and visual organic elements that develop continuous growth and porosity within a human-nonhuman interface.

Music: pantea
Visuals: u-matic & telematique

pantea (IR)

pantea is an artist and sound maker from Iran engaging with narratives of ecological and more-than-human connection. Her work has incorporated performance, walking, film, photography and music. More recently, pantea has been focused on developing a socially engaged practice by exploring possibilities brought about by sound and listening. She is passionate about the environment, plants, and wetlands. pantea is one half of the design group Studio Informal and a lead member of Khamoosh, an artistic research group dedicated to preserving and archiving Iranian sonic heritage. She has performed and exhibited her works internationally across the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, India, Turkey, and the UK.

u-matic & telematique (DE)

The artist duo u-matic & telematique, Ute Härting and Sven Gareis, work with time-based and interactive media. Their live performances, video installations, and workshops entail interactive stage sets, VR and performances that project digital images and videos on public buildings, thus constantly transgressing and expanding the images through which to visualize music and transform urban landscapes and soundscapes. Conceptually, their work explores the intangible by creatively engaging with different senses of time, processes of digital creation, blurring and erosion, transformations of errors into content, and phenomena of perception related to ephemeral physical presence, such as noises or stroboscopic and looping movements of images.