This sculpture/installation consists of two parts. The first hangs on the wall, and the second is a freestanding sculpture in the space. They are connected by a wire, and the wall component controls the other component.
The piece on the wall contains a poster of the solar system. In place of the planet Uranus, I have mounted a ping-pong paddle which extends off the plane of the poster. There is a switch mounted on the paddle, which is powered by plugging into the wall. When the audience pushes the switch, the second piece of the sculpture is activated.
The other freestanding component consists of a large, tall chair made by fusing pieces from other chairs into one large chair. There is a motor mounted under the seat which is connected to a second ping-pong paddle. On one side of the paddle is the planet Uranus from the poster, painted bright green. On the other side is the same planet made from aluminum foil. There is also a light pointed towards the paddle. When the switch is pressed, the chair is activated: The light turns on and the paddle spins, and the two images of the planet blend into a two-part animation or simulation of the planet.
My aim is to bring the planet to life from the poster through audience interaction. The work is made from seemingly unconnected environmental materials, similar to the collection of stellar dust into life as we know it.