Any comparison of youth and age is automatically a mistake. These are not different worlds, for one merges into the other, or one grows and the other shrinks. It’s more pertinent to talk of birth and death, the two extremes of the same seesaw. But at the workshop we’ll be dealing with the other – with death. Age is a category for the end that for the whole of our lives we more or less successfully dodge. We are given help by the awareness of society that feels best in transience and oblivion, but we also help ourselves, for these are not topics for every day. In a mass of cases photography awaits us in youth, we are fairly well acquainted with it and pass through our lives with it or in it. In just as many cases, at least in this cultural environment, photography follows us and takes us to the end of the said extreme. At the workshop we shall make use of shortcuts and cheating as legitimate tools in a battle unfairly matched. The workshop members will be photographed and after that create their own extremes, their obituaries. The end of life is a fairly set thing, but an obituary is not, indeed in the workshop we shall deal with a different approach and different obits. With a modicum of freedom and even playfulness we can reduce this bogeyman of the end and make obituaries for a whole spectrum of things and events. I propose the obituary of, let’s say for example, a Wednesday. This kind of approach will help to protect us against excessive sobriety and let us adopt the only tool we perhaps have, humour.
DEATH with a lot of humour
photography workshop

Luka Kedžo (HR)
Luka Kedžo was born in August, 1986. He attends the graduate course in camera at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. He is a joint founder of the Komična Hunta group. He lives in Zagreb.