Walk in Old Shoes


Klovićevi dvori Gallery (Zagreb)

A step taken into the not-so-far-distant future in one-time workshops. Workshop leaders are students of psychology and graduate psychologists with a marked professional and general interest in the psychology of aging and work with elderly persons. The participants in the project are young people from 18 to 30 years old of different educational, social and other backgrounds, interested in thinking about themselves, the world that surrounds them and expression via creative techniques. The object of the workshop is gradually, through guided individual and group work, to achieve awareness of the whole-life process of maturing and ultimately seeing one’s own and/or others’ old age. The manner of work in the workshops includes the use of creative techniques as media through which the psychological process of encountering one’s own or others’ aging is experienced. But the wider picture also needs bearing in mind. On the one hand, demographic trends show that people who are getting on are an ever larger age group and that the expected life span is being prolonged. On the other hand, constant scientific progress and technological development is ineluctably changing the face of the world in which we live. Insufficient theoretical and practical research has been conducted into the area of age and aging. Yet it has never been so relevant, interesting and diverse. Taking into consideration all that has been said, we venture to expect that the final part of the workshops, which involves all participants in the creation of a common image of aging, will be very interesting and amusing.

Zajednički put foundation (HR)

The workshop metors are volunteers from the Foundation “Zajednički put”, graduate psychologists Ana Marija Španić, Ivana Bandić, Aleksandra Pijuko, Ines Ostović, Nevena Kvakić, Jelena Žerjavić and psychology students Tamara Sušić, Branka Bučević and Venita Mužek. The work is coordinated by Sanja Radica, psychologist of the Foundation “Zajednički put”, who has long experience in the area of the psychology of aging and in group work. The psychologist volunteers are willing to give their youth, knowledge and time to the older population so that an expression of intergenerational solidarity should have practical importance.
