Oron Catts (FI): Victimless Utopia or Victimless Hypocrisy?
Marta de Menezes (PT): On Pipettes and Art Studies: Intersections of Art and Biology
Oliver Razac (HR): Reality TV and Biopolitics
Jens Hauser (FR): Bios, Techne, Logos: A Timely Art Career
Thomas Kaiser (DE): DNAgraphy and Audiomicroscope
Matthew Fuller (UK): Calculation Space
Bojana Kunst (HR): Disobidient Connections: On Production of Monstruosity
Marie-Luise Angerer (AT): Longing for the Real or: Producing Resemblance through Sensation
Bojana Kunst (SI)
Bojana Kunst, ph.d. is a philosopher and performance theoretician. She is currently working as a researcher at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts - Department for Sociology. She is a member of the editorial board of Maska Magazine and Performance Research. Her essays have appeared in numerous journals and publications and she has thought and lectured extensively in Europe. She published three books, among them Impossible Body (Ljubljana 1999), Dangerous Connections: Body, Philosophy and Relation to the Artificial (Ljubljana, 2004). She is also working as a dramaturg and artistic collaborator. She is leading the international seminar for performing arts in Ljubljana.
Oron Catts (FI)
Oron Catts was Born in Finland, currently living and working in Western Australia. Tissue engineering artist. Co-founder and Artistic Director of SymbioticA, the Art & Science Collaborative Research Laboratory, School of Anatomy and Human Biology, UWA. Founder of the Tissue Culture & Art Project/TC&A (1996). Research Fellow at the Tissue Engineering and Organ Fabrication Laboratory, Harvard Medical School (2000-2001). Trained in product design and specialized in the future interaction of design and biological derived technologies. BA, (first Class Honours), and Visual Art (MA).
Thomas Kaiser (DE)
Thomas Kaiser works as a Research Engineer at the Clondiag GmbH in Jena, Germany. His research interests include data analysis/standardization, micro-/nanotechnologies, integrated optics, molecular biology, and currently DNA extraction/purification. In art he worked on (together with Joe Davis) imaging technology based on molecular interaction with potential for extraordinary resolution; proof-of-concept images made from DNA, vitamins, protein, gold and silver featured at L' Art Biotech, 2003 bioart exhibition in Nantes, France; on development of theremin- and audio synthesizing-microscopes; new multi-channel audio microscope development with audio environments, performance; ongoing work in transformations of scientific perception.
Marta de Menezes (PT)
Marta de Menezes is among the first artists to work with biotechnology, contributing to the creation of bioart. She has shown that biology research laboratories can be used as art studios. Her many artworks have incorporated materials and expertise from different disciplines (CRISPR/Cas9, MRI, structural biology, microbiology, among others). Her work has been presented throughout the globe in exhibitions, conferences, and publications. A Portuguese artist with a degree in Fine Arts by the University in Lisbon, a MSt in History of Art and Visual Culture by the University of Oxford, with a ABD from the University of Leiden. Marta has been exploring the intersection between Art and Biology, working in research laboratories demonstrating that new biological technologies can be used as a new art medium. In 1999 de Menezes created her first biological artwork (Nature?) by modifying the wing patterns of live butterflies. Since then, she has used diverse biological techniques including functional MRI of the brain to create portraits where the mind can be visualised (Functional Portraits, 2002); fluorescent DNA probes to create micro-sculptures in human cell nuclei (nucleArt, 2002); sculptures made of proteins (Proteic Portrait, 2002-2007), DNA (Innercloud, 2003; The Family, 2004) or incorporating live neurons (Tree of Knowledge, 2005) or bacteria (Decon, 2007). Her work has been presented internationally in exhibitions, articles and lectures. She is currently the Artistic Director of Ectopia, an experimental art laboratory in Lisbon, and Director of Cultivamos Cultura in the South of Portugal.;