In the current state of emergency concerning welfare, AM Journal of Art and Media Studies seeks to gather a body of contemporary critical theory and progressive new media art practices contextualizing health in its broadest sense. Authors are invited to submit proposals that approach contemporary art, science, and health as intertwining factors and that address some of the prevailing challenges humanity is facing. Suggested, but not exclusive topics, are those associated with: personal and social healthcare, environmental balance, physical malady, mental disorder, well-being discourses, healing and care-practices, human and non-human relations from the perspective of health humanities, genetically engineered reproduction, as well as ethical issues in aging and end of life.
In a time saturated with lethal pathogens, non-holistic biomedical experimentation allows a limited approach to the understanding of health. What is the meaning of being healthy and not being healthy? What are the norms and standards of health through different times and cultures? What are the ethical issues regarding scientific research in the name of human health? What are the repercussions of a so-called vigorous and sick body? Within the health narrative, it becomes imperative the extension towards broader concepts such as: biopolitics of dying and surviving, human rights, medical science, and alternative medicine, health technologies relating to enhancement mechanisms and design prosthetics, genetics and bioethics, big science and citizen science, activism and environmental practices, pharmacology and symbolic rituals of care, containment and contamination, patient profiling, disease management, identity, and surveillance.
This issue of AM Journal of Art and Media Studies is scheduled to be published in October 2023. Potential contributors are invited to submit their abstracts of 300 words and short bios (approx. 150 words) by February 28, 2023. Notification of acceptance will be sent by March 10, 2023. Full articles of 3,000–5,000 words, formatted according to the Journal's guidelines, will be requested by April 30, 2023. Articles will undergo double-blind peer review. All abstracts and inquiries should be sent to the journal email address:
Guest issue editors: Dr Dalila Honorato, Dr Olga Majcen Linn, and Dr Sunčica Ostoić
AM Journal of Art and Media Studies ISSN 2217-9666 - printed, ISSN 2406-1654 - online, UDK 7.01:316.774
Publisher: Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia
Indexed in: ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, DOAJ, and in The List of Scientific Journals Categorization of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia (M24-2021). Beginning with No. 12 2017, AM is indexed, abstracted and covered in Clarivate Analytics service ESCI.